14+ GitHub Courses to Become a Skilled Web Developer (2024)

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  • 14+ GitHub Courses to Become a Skilled Web Developer

Edited By Team Careers360 |Updated on Feb 15, 2024 - 6:10 p.m. IST #Web Development

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People use GitHub to create some of the most challenging technologies in the world. Whether you are imagining data or creating a new game, there is a whole community and set of tools on GitHub that can support you to do it even better. GitHub is a popular service that has made a lot of noise in the geek/developer community for close to a decade now, but most people are still confused as to what exactly the platform does. To delve deep into GitHub, you first need to understand what exactly Git is, which is where enrolling yourself into online courses and certifications can prove crucial. There are a wide range of GitHub courses you can pursue anywhere and at any time.

14+ GitHub Courses to Become a Skilled Web Developer (5)

Git is an open-source version control system originated by Linus Torvalds, the inventor of Linux. Git is related to other version control systems—Subversion, CVS, and Mercurial, to name a few. When developers build something (an app, for example), they make permanent changes to the code, delivering new versions up to and after the first official release. GitHub courses have become one of the important developer courses online that is in demand. To help you with this, we have compiled a list of online courses & certifications from top providers that will teach you everything about Github.

Here are some of the best GitHub courses available on the market.


Offered by



Version Control with Git

CourseraApprox. 13 hoursRs. 2152
Creating a Personal Site with GatsbyCoursera1.5 hoursRs. 741
Set up a Continuous Integration (CI) workflow in CircleCICoursera2 hoursRs. 741
Introduction to Git and GitHubCourseraApprox. 19 hoursRs. 1039
Git + GitHub for Open Source CollaborationCoursera1 weekNA
Git for Developers Using GithubCoursera70 minRs. 741
Data Science: Foundations using R SpecializationCoursera5 monthsRs. 3,636 per month after free trial
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for Web Developerscoursera40 hoursRs. 4378
Full-Stack Web Development with React Specializationcoursera3 monthsRs. 3636
Using Git for Distributed DevelopmentCourseraApprox. 21 hoursRs. 3636
R ProgrammingCourseraApprox. 57 hoursRs. 3636
Open Source Software Development MethodsCourseraApprox. 6 hoursRs. 3636
Use Commands and Create a Remote Git RepositoryCoursera1 hourRs741
Git Going Fast: One Hour Git Crash CourseUdemy1hourRs 1280
Git & GitHub: Ultimate Guide for Beginners!Udemy2 hours 45mRs 6400
Learn to use Git and GitHub with Eclipse: A Complete GuideUdemy4 hours 23 minutesRs 3200
Complete Git and GitHub CourseUdemy5 hours 29 minutesRs 8640
  1. Version Control with Git

This is one of the best GitHub courses offered in the coursera platform. You will also be able to build a strong conceptual understanding of the technology. Afterward, you will be able to dig below on any topic that interests you positively. This course presumes no prior awareness about Git, but if you are experienced on that front, you can actually find this course to be quite a refreshment.

Offered by: Coursera

Cost: Rs. 2152

Duration: Approx. 13 hours

Topics covered

  • First Repository
  • Branching and Merging I
  • Branching and Merging II
  • Git Workflows

Also read: Career as Software Developer

  1. Creating a Personal Site with Gatsby

This is one of the shortest GitHub courses provided in the Coursera platform. This is for those who want to try to gain hands-on, deep learning of GitHub, you will learn about the project structure of a Gatsby Project and how to create and style layout templates for pages on your website. You will also learn how to publish the website using Netlify.

GatsbyJS is one of the most sought after JavaScript frameworks that is based upon React and is widely used for creating static as well as dynamic, content-based websites across industries.

Offered by: Coursera

Cost: Rs. 741

Duration: 1.5 hours

Topics covered

  • Project structure of a Gatsby Project
  • Style layout templates for pages on our website
  • Publishing the site online.

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  1. Set up a Continuous Integration (CI) workflow in CircleCI

As one of the shorter GitHub courses offered in Coursera, this course teaches you GitHub in-depth as you set up a CI pipeline to watch, build and test any new pull requests from a code repository in GitHub, and protect the master branch from merges without being tested in CircleCI first.

Offered by: Coursera

Cost: Rs. 741

Duration:2 hours

Topics covered

  • Set up a CI pipeline
  • Protect the master branch
  • Showcase this hands-on experience

Also read: Career as Web developer

  1. Introduction to Git and GitHub

This is one of the most github certification courses that can train you how to maintain a record of various types of codes and configuration using VCS (version control system) in different versions called Git. You will learn how to use GitHub to set up accounts and thus create remote repositories to store codes and configurations.

Offered by: Coursera

Cost: Rs. 1039

Duration: Approx. 19 hours

Topics covered

  • Introduction to Version Control
  • Using Git Locally
  • Working with Remotes
  • Collaboration

Also read: Career as Hardware Developer

  1. Git + GitHub for Open Source Collaboration

This is one of the top developer courses online that is compact in its nature. You will learn Git and GitHub implementation while being able to push, consume, and navigate a versioned timeline of your coding history. You will learn how to use a fork and pull requests. By the end of this course, you will have a good knowledge of GitHub.

Offered by: Coursera

Cost: NA

Duration: 1 week

Topics covered

  • Version Control Systems
  • Github
  • Collaboration
  • Git (Software)
  • Software Engineering

Also read: Career as Software Engineer

  1. Git for Developers Using Github

As part of the course’s curriculum, you will learn GitHub online, become familiar with the GitHub site to fork, and clone a repository. This is one of the best github certification courses offered in the Coursera platform which will teach you how to create branches, commit and push changes, and make a pull request to view and work with commits and logs. By the end of this course, you will be able to do it by using GitHub correctly.

Offered by: Coursera

Cost: Rs. 741

Duration: 70 minutes

Topics covered

  • Version Control
  • GitHub
  • Developer tools
  • GIT

Also read: Career as Computer Systems Engineer

  1. Data Science: Foundations using R Specialization

If you are looking for online degree courses to learn Github, this course is for you. This is one of those awesome github online courses that will help you to learn GitHub and its implementation in the field of Data science. Additionally, the student will have access to the entire list of five courses available under the Specialization, which are the same courses that make up the first half of the Data Science Specialization. This Specialization is offered for learners who want to start and finish the foundational part of the curriculum before climbing onto the more difficult topics.

Offered by: Coursera

Cost: Rs. 3,636 per month after free trial

Duration: Approx. 5 months

Topics covered

  • Data Science
  • Machine Learning
  • GitHub
  • R Programming
  • Exploratory
  • Data Analysis

Also read: Career as Computer programmer

  1. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for Web Developers

One of the finest github certification courses offered in the Coursera platform, this course will teach the necessary tools that every web page coder needs to know. You will begin from the area by seeing how to achieve dynamic webpages using HTML & CSS. Furthermore, you will then get to see how to code your webpages and how you can rearrange & modify parts of your code to suit the size of your ideal user’s device screen.

Offered by: Coursera

Cost: Rs. 4378

Duration: Approx. 40 hours

Topics covered

  • Introduction to HTML5
  • Introduction to CSS3
  • Coding the Static Restaurant Site
  • Introduction to JavaScript

Top Trending Courses & Certifications:

  1. Full-Stack Web Development with React Specialization

In this GitHub lesson for beginners, you will learn to produce hybrid mobile applications utilizing React Native. On the server-side, you will get to complete projects on MongoDB, apart from being able to work alongside a Node.js environment. Furthermore, you will also get hands-on with the Express.js framework in combination with understanding of RESTful APIs.

Offered by: Coursera

Cost: Rs. 3636

Duration: Approx. 3 months

Topics covered

  • Front-End Web UI Frameworks and Tools: Bootstrap 4
  • Front-End Web Development with React
  • Multiplatform Mobile App Development with React Native
  • Server-side Development with NodeJS, Express, and MongoDB

Also read: Online Full Stack Development Courses & Certifications

  1. Using Git for Distributed Development

The GitHub training course will help you get the skills to understand how to use Git. You will have a bit of useful knowledge about Git workflows, recognizing problems in your workflows, and obtaining solutions to solve these problems. By the end of this course, you will have good knowledge and will be able to work with GitHub.

Offered by: Coursera

Cost: Rs. 3636

Duration: Approx. 21 hours

Topics covered

  • Git and Git Installation
  • Working with Git
  • Working with Other Developers
  1. R Programming

There are many online diploma courses and certifications to learn Github. This is one of the longer github certification courses offered in Coursera. It focuses on teaching programming using the R language. You will discover how to create applications in R and the method you need to use for practical data analysis. You will learn how to connect and configure software needed to perform statistical programming and understand the use of generic programming language-related concepts among others to perform data analysis tasks through this GitHub course.

Offered by: Coursera

Cost: Rs. 3636

Duration: Approx. 57 hours

Topics covered

  • Background, Getting Started, and Nuts & Bolts
  • Programming with R
  • Loop Functions and Debugging
  • Simulation & Profiling

Also read: Certificate in R programming BY Vskills

  1. Open Source Software Development Methods

In this online GitHub training course, we will define what open source software is, we will go over the history of open-source software and what benefits it has given to the world's technology infrastructure over the decades.

Offered by: Coursera

Cost: Rs. 3636

Duration: Approx.6 hours

Topics covered

  • Open Source Software
  • Building Better OSS Projects
  1. Use Commands and Create a Remote Git Repository

This is another one of the short github certification courses that are worth your money. Offered in the coursera platform. In this course, learn Git and GitHub. You will also discover how to push the local repository to the old Git repository on GitHub.

You will also learn how to create a new Git working Branch, Commit money, and use Git Merge to merge modifications into the original branch.

Offered by: Coursera

Cost: Rs. 741

Duration: 1 hour

Topics covered

  • GitHub
  • Python Programming
  • Git Merge
  • GIT
  • Version Control

Also read: Top 16 courses on Typescript Development for beginners

  1. Git Going Fast: One Hour Git Crash Course

This is one of the shortest github online courses where you will learn the Git source control system's fundamental concepts and how to step through the entire basic Git. You will also learn how to configure SSH for authentication, create, and use a remote repository on GitHub.

Offered by: Udemy

Cost: Rs 1280

Duration: 1hour

Topics covered

  • Key Concepts
  • Workflow
  • Introduction and Key Concepts
  • Setup and Configuration
  • Working with Git Locally
  • Going Remote
  • Updates and Errata
  1. Git & GitHub: Ultimate and Practical Guide for Beginners!

This is one of the longer GitHub courses offered by Udemy platform, where you will learn what the Version Control System (VCS) is and how to Download & Install Git Source Control System. You will also be able to create a "First Git Project" (Initialize a Git Repository) and learn the fundamental concepts of "Git Basic Workflow." You will also understand the difference between "Untracked" and "Tracked" files and its three stages: Working Directory - Staging Area - Repository. You will gain knowledge of how Git Common Commands - "status," "add," "commit," "log," and review Changes using "Git diff." and remove a file from Git Repository.

Offered by: Udemy

Cost: Rs 6400

Duration: 9.5 hours

Topics covered

  • What is a VCS? Choosing the Version Control System!
  • First steps and basics, Commands & Functionalities
  • Visualisation, Flow and Commands
  • Merging - Process, steps and merge techniques
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Remote Version Control System
  1. Learn to use Git and GitHub with Eclipse: A Complete Guide

In this deep learning GitHub course, you will learn all the required skills to use Git and GitHub with Eclipse, and you will be able to master the techniques to leverage the Git related features available in Eclipse. For this course, one must have the basics of Java and the Basics of Eclipse.

Offered by: Udemy

Cost: Rs 3200

Duration: 4.5 hours

Topics covered

  • Environment Setup
  • Getting Started With Git
  • Getting Started With GitHub
  • Advanced: Going Deeper With Git And GitHub
  1. Complete Git and GitHub Course: Beginner to Advanced

Another one of the best github online courses by Udemy where you learn from all the from start to finish. You will track versions of your files efficiently and go beyond add, commit, and push in GIT. You will also be able to prepare your coding portfolio at GIT. After going through this resource, you will be able to explore GIT on your own.

Offered by: Udemy

Cost: Rs 8640

Duration: 7.5 hours

Topics covered

  • Collaboration and forking
  • Auto completion of GIT
  • Git foundation
  • Getting into files
  • Git snapshots
  • Git for team managements
  • Git branches
  • GIT Merging
  • Git and GitHub
  • Tags and tickets

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All the talk about GitHub that how it is ideal for programmers may have you thinking that they are the only ones who will find it useful. Although it is a lot less familiar, you can use GitHub for any kind of file. Suppose you have a team that is continually adjusting a word document, for example. In that case, you could use GitHub as your version control system. So no need to look for other developer courses online when GitHub will suit you just fine. But, to learn and gain knowledge to use this program, you must opt for deep learning GitHub. So take from the top github online courses that you find are suitable for you and forge ahead! You can even make an online course comparison to choose the best course.

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Frequently Asked Question (FAQs) - 14+ GitHub Courses to Become a Skilled Web Developer

Question: What is the duration of most of these GitHub courses?


Most of these GitHub courses can be completed within a time span of a few hours to a few days.

Question: Why should I take GitHub courses as I already have a degree in computer engineering or a related field?


The whole point is to make sure you keep up to date with various nuances in the industry. While a college degree is foundational in nature in teaching you the basics, there are numerous softwares, platforms, frameworks, etc. that are released every year. One such thing is GitHub. So your employer will look for some credentials regarding the use of such applications. This you can achieve by taking some of the best GitHub courses.

Question: Are there any GitHub courses you can take online for free?


Yes some platforms do provide the opt where you can take GitHub courses online for free. Here you will be auditing the course. But to get the certification you will need to pay a subscription or a specific amount.

Question: What are some of the best institutes / platforms offering some of the GitHub courses?


Udemy, Edx, Coursera, Linked learning

Question: What is the scope of career opportunities after taking some of these GitHub courses?


You not only have a wider array of options as your skills have now increased you can also expect a handsome payscale. So take some of the best github online courses to boost your career.

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14+ GitHub Courses to Become a Skilled Web Developer (2024)


How do I become a skilled web developer? ›

Steps to Become a Web Developer
  1. Earn Degree(s) An aspiring web developer must first complete an education to develop basic coding and programming skills. ...
  2. Pursue Internship(s) Landing a solid internship as a new web developer provides vital work experience. ...
  3. Build Your Portfolio. ...
  4. Earn Certification(s) ...
  5. Create Your Resume.

What classes do I need to take to become a web developer? ›

Coursework can typically include computer programming, coding, graphic design, and math classes. Keep in mind that some employers may not require a degree and instead look more closely at your experience and skills in this field.

Is GitHub useful for Web development? ›

It encourages teams to work together in developing code, building web pages and updating content. Read on for a quick introduction to GitHub, who uses it, and why. GitHub is useful in the development stage for code, content, research, web pages, and more.

Is 35 too late to become a web developer? ›

But, the truth is there are plenty of examples of people who started learning to code in their 30's, 40's or even 50's and went on to have successful careers in the tech field. In fact, the average age of most web developers is 35.

Is it hard to get hired as a web developer? ›

Web development is one of the most straightforward jobs to get into — if you can figure out programming. Not all jobs are for everyone, and there will be those who may struggle to wrap their heads around code. For some people, becoming a web developer will be a breeze. For others, it may never quite click with you.

How long does it take to become a skilled web developer? ›

Web development bootcamps typically take 3-4 months to complete and teach all the skills you need to qualify for a web developer job. Learning web development from online courses could take anywhere from a single month to several years, depending on how much time you devote to your courses.

Can I become a web developer without a degree? ›

Working in web development can be a great career choice and one you can pursue even without a web development degree. If you work to acquire the necessary skills and obtain relevant experience, maybe through certifications, then you can qualify for a career as a web developer.

How to become a web developer with no experience? ›

Some of the major steps one needs to take to become an entry-level web developer are listed here:
  1. Build a Portfolio Site.
  2. Do Freelance Projects.
  3. Put Your Code on Github.
  4. Contribute to an Open Source Project.
  5. Participate in a Hackathon.
  6. Network With Other Web Developers.
  7. Follow Industry News.
  8. Learn New, Relevant Skills.
Oct 5, 2023

What should I learn first as a web developer? ›

The best first step to becoming a Web Developer is to start learning web development fundamentals, including an understanding of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), and JavaScript. Many aspiring Web Developers are now using coding bootcamps to fast-track the learning process.

Should I learn GitHub before coding? ›

Before learning Git, students should either have a background in coding or a plan to learn coding alongside their Git training. While there is no technical prerequisite to learning how to code to learn Git, without coding knowledge, Git is a useless skill.

Can I build a website with GitHub? ›

GitHub Pages is a static site hosting service that takes HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files straight from a repository on GitHub, optionally runs the files through a build process, and publishes a website.

Is GitHub good for beginners? ›

Github is easy to use for beginners. In fact, you'll only need to know a few Git commands to learn how to push code to GitHub. If you already know Git, GitHub will be a breeze but it will be a bit harder if you don't know Git. Getting on GitHub can be a game-changer for you as a new or aspiring developer.

Can a 15 year old learn web development? ›

For 11 to 15 years old

Students learn to explore different languages required in website development and understand various elements to design. They will learn to create their own website using HTML commands and style the website using CSS and JavaScript.

How old are most web developers? ›

According to Stack Overflow's 2022 survey of developers, the average age of a web developer is 25-34 years old. 46% of developers fall into the 25-34-year-old age bracket. 30% of professional developers are 35-54 years old. 3% of professional developers are 55-65 years old.

Can I be a good web developer in 3 months? ›

Only by devoting yourself entirely to your studies can you achieve this ambitious goal. So, yes, you can become a qualified Web Developer in three months. However, finding employment as a Web Developer can take longer, and you'll want to keep building on your skills throughout the job search process.

How do I become a skilled developer? ›

Steps to become a software developer
  1. Step 1: Enhance your software development skills. ...
  2. Step 2: Pursue a software developer degree or course. ...
  3. Step 3: Obtain software developer certifications. ...
  4. Step 4: Meet software developer requirements. ...
  5. Step 5: Start your software development career.

How I became a web developer with no experience? ›

Set realistic goals, choose the right programming language, learn the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, build projects, consider taking a course or boot camp, and build your portfolio and network. With these steps, you'll be well on your way to becoming a proficient web developer.

Can I be a web developer without a degree? ›

Working in web development can be a great career choice and one you can pursue even without a web development degree. If you work to acquire the necessary skills and obtain relevant experience, maybe through certifications, then you can qualify for a career as a web developer.

What skills are most in demand for web developer? ›

In today's web development landscape, essential skills include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, front-end frameworks (React, Angular, or Vue. js), back-end languages (Node. js, Python), database management, API development, and security practices.


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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.