You're a new teacher. How can you improve your teaching skills? (2024)

Last updated on Mar 18, 2024

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You're a new teacher. How can you improve your teaching skills? Teaching is a rewarding but challenging profession that requires constant learning and improvement. Whether you teach in a classroom, online, or in a hybrid setting, you need to develop and refine your skills to meet the diverse needs of your students. Here are some tips to help you grow as a teacher and enhance your teaching effectiveness.

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  • Bassam Hussein Associate Professor. Excellent Teaching Practitioner(Merittert Underviser). NTNU

    You're a new teacher. How can you improve your teaching skills? (3) You're a new teacher. How can you improve your teaching skills? (4) You're a new teacher. How can you improve your teaching skills? (5) 15

  • Joshua Dao-Wei Sim (沈道偉) Historian & Research Fellow | FHEA |Researching & thinking about... Heat Health and Exercise Sciences;

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  • Babajide Milton Macaulay, Ph.D., EMBA Founder, iLLUMANIA | Co-Founder/CEO, Wadi | Lecturer, FUTA | Educational Consultant | Career Coach | Environmental…

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You're a new teacher. How can you improve your teaching skills? (10) You're a new teacher. How can you improve your teaching skills? (11) You're a new teacher. How can you improve your teaching skills? (12)

1 Seek feedback

One of the best ways to improve your teaching skills is to seek feedback from different sources. You can ask your students, colleagues, mentors, or supervisors to give you honest and constructive feedback on your lesson plans, delivery, classroom management, or assessment methods. You can also use self-evaluation tools, such as reflection journals, video recordings, or portfolios, to identify your strengths and areas for improvement. Feedback can help you recognize your blind spots, celebrate your successes, and set goals for your professional development.

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  • Bassam Hussein Associate Professor. Excellent Teaching Practitioner(Merittert Underviser). NTNU

    Well, I think it is important to acknowledge that you should change yourself if you want to improve or change your entire approach to teaching. And the second important step is to not to try to imitate others but try to find methods that you yourself find engaging and exciting. Engagement is very contagious and it spread like wildfire. If you yourself is not excited about what you do then do not expect the students to get excited or appreciate your efforts. Start with your self, think of what makes eager to learn and how you would like to learn. I believe starting with yourself can open the gates for more opportunities. Third advice is do not do many things at once, small steps can also mean big leaps for your teaching repertoire.


    You're a new teacher. How can you improve your teaching skills? (21) You're a new teacher. How can you improve your teaching skills? (22) You're a new teacher. How can you improve your teaching skills? (23) 15

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  • I have taught over a thousand students online and offline, covering subjects from school-level courses to undergraduate-level.Two factors can either make or break your teaching skills:1) Avoid assuming your audience knows the basics of the subject you are teaching. A common mistake many teachers make is assuming, "These are basics and everyone knows this." Never do this. Even if they know, it's your responsibility to make them feel comfortable with the basics.2) Don't neglect live feedback during your class. Teaching should be a discussion, not a speech. Continuously gather feedback and, if necessary, clarify and re-explain concepts that your audience didn't understand.A good teacher knows if their students are enjoying the class!


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  • Dr Balu Bhaskar . Chief Medical Officer , Chief of Critical Care Services and Senior Consultant, Fakeeh University Hospital , Adjunct associate Professor Sharjah University.

    Very important to seek feedback to constantly improve , the negative remarks or suggestions actually helps us to improve our skills as a teacher.


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2 Learn from others

Another way to improve your teaching skills is to learn from other teachers who have more experience, expertise, or different perspectives. You can observe how they teach, interact with students, or handle challenges in their classrooms. You can also ask them questions, seek advice, or collaborate on projects. You can also join professional learning communities, such as online forums, blogs, podcasts, or webinars, where you can exchange ideas, resources, or best practices with other teachers from different contexts and backgrounds.

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  • Dr Balu Bhaskar . Chief Medical Officer , Chief of Critical Care Services and Senior Consultant, Fakeeh University Hospital , Adjunct associate Professor Sharjah University.

    What I am today is by following the footsteps of many before me. Without technology when we were training our teachers showed us the path with great patience.


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  • Purushottam Chakraborty Leading Expert on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry and Ion-Beam Analysis of Materials

    I try to understand the subject very deeply so that I can explain it to the students pedagogically as much as possible. I use simple examples to make the students visualise the aspects. Use of colourful ppt slides with bulleted points and mathematical steps are very much helpful to focus the salient points of the subject matter. I have noticed that my teaching gets maximum attention and appreciation by the students and audience.


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3 Try new strategies

A third way to improve your teaching skills is to try new strategies that can enhance your instruction, engagement, or assessment. You can experiment with different technologies, such as interactive whiteboards, digital tools, or online platforms, that can support your teaching objectives and learning outcomes. You can also explore different pedagogies, such as inquiry-based learning, project-based learning, or flipped classroom, that can foster student-centered, active, or collaborative learning. You can also vary your assessment methods, such as quizzes, portfolios, or peer feedback, that can measure student progress and provide feedback.

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  • Nowadays, innovation, imagination, and creativity are having an increasingly prominent role in classrooms. Educational environments are constantly evolving and adapting to social and technological changes, so teachers need to find new powerful tools to keep students engaged and on task.Keeping an open mind and a critical eye can help obtain a fuller picture of the complexity of the teaching-learning process, thus avoiding both stagnation and dated didactic approaches.


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  • Marcelo Santos, PhD Doutor em Educação | Professor | Consultor Financeiro | Conteudista | Palestrante Educação Financeira | Mentoria Gestão Financeira

    Testar novas Metodologias Ativas sempre parece um bom caminho, desde que preparadas com cuidado e de forma a cobrir alguns imprevistos como por exemplo a não disponibilidade de material, ou o aluno não ter condições, quando planejamos com cuidado parece que mitigamos o risco de insucesso da iniciativa.



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4 Update your knowledge

A fourth way to improve your teaching skills is to update your knowledge on the subject matter, curriculum, or standards that you teach. You can read books, articles, or journals that can provide you with new information, insights, or research findings on your discipline or field. You can also attend courses, workshops, or conferences that can offer you opportunities to learn new skills, concepts, or approaches that are relevant to your teaching context and goals. You can also pursue further education, such as certificates, diplomas, or degrees, that can enhance your qualifications and credentials.

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  • Antoine EL KHOURY Manager at Neo-Path Academy

    Be yourself, act like if you are explaining to your loved ones. Preparation is the most important part of teaching, some studies declared that every 1 hour of teaching should be the results of 4 hours of preparation. Teaching is your art, Being fully involved in the picture you are drawing is the key of success, the learners need someone who can guide their mind and their ways of thinking towards what they cannot understand by their own. Don't prejudge the level of the students, let them discover instead of receiving info, show them the trail, precise the direction, prepare tools for them, let them be aware of the constraints that they will be facing and let them discover the rest.


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  • Muhammad Ghayas Uddin Co-Founder - Valeem | NSM - Philips DA | x Dawlance - Arçelik | LinkedIn Top Voice

    - Stay Current with Educational Trends:Regularly immerse yourself in educational literature, journals, and reputable online resources to stay current with emerging trends. To understand the evolving landscape.- Professional Development Courses:Many platforms offer specialized courses, workshops, and webinars designed to enhance your skills and introduce you to contemporary teaching strategies.- Networking and Collaborative Learning:Actively engage with fellow educators, both locally and online. Participate in forums, webinars, and social media groups where educators share insights, lesson plans, and success stories. Collaborative learning with peers broadens your perspective and introduces you to diverse teaching methods.


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5 Reflect on your practice

A fifth way to improve your teaching skills is to reflect on your practice regularly and systematically. You can use a framework, such as the Gibbs reflective cycle or the Kolb learning cycle, that can guide you through the stages of reflection, such as description, analysis, evaluation, action, or application. You can also use a format, such as a SWOT analysis or a SMART goal setting, that can help you organize your thoughts, feelings, or actions. Reflection can help you examine your beliefs, values, or assumptions, identify your challenges or opportunities, and plan your next steps or actions.

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  • Dr Bharatish A Assistant Professor

    In my experience, If you are starting as a new teacher, prepare well for the presentation by doing a good amount of homework. Avoid reading the ppts in front of the students. Instead, use chalk and board to explain the concepts to the students so that you will gain confidence for the next class. Even though you may be good at analytical skills, the presentation requires practical knowledge to explain the concepts to the students more effectively. This can be fetched by simultaneous research activities in your domain. Keep interacting with the students by taking a break of two or three minutes from your long presentations or lectures.


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  • Samantha Becker, CPACC Senior designer - Implementing and managing instructional design, accessibility, and e-learning projects

    Reflection doesn't have to be complex. Take some time after each class to think about what went well and what could be improved. Consider asking for feedback from students to gain different perspectives. This reflection process will help you adapt and grow, creating a more effective and engaging learning experience for your students.


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6 Take care of yourself

A sixth way to improve your teaching skills is to take care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally. Teaching can be stressful, demanding, or exhausting, and it can affect your health, well-being, or performance. You can practice self-care by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, such as eating well, sleeping enough, or exercising regularly. You can also manage your stress by using coping strategies, such as meditation, relaxation, or hobbies. You can also seek support from your family, friends, or colleagues, who can listen to you, encourage you, or help you.

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  • Joshua Dao-Wei Sim (沈道偉) Historian & Research Fellow | FHEA |Researching & thinking about... Heat Health and Exercise Sciences;

    Rest is definitely important. Boundaries should be drawn with students as well. It is not healthy to be constantly in contact with students to the point that work with them intrudes greatly into your personal life. Take time out to do personal things that are not related to teaching as well.


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  • Babajide Milton Macaulay, Ph.D., EMBA Founder, iLLUMANIA | Co-Founder/CEO, Wadi | Lecturer, FUTA | Educational Consultant | Career Coach | Environmental Sustainability expert | Bioenergy Advocate | 13-time winner of Scholarships/Fellowships.

    Teachers must take good care of themselves because they are automatic role models to their students. The students do not only learn from what the teachers say in class, they also subconsciously imbibe the character of the teacher. A teacher who lacks emotional intelligence and is always verbally reactive will train his students to lash out at everything. A teacher who is constantly depressed and experiences bad mood swings will transfer aggression to the poor students. It is therefore, very important for teachers to take care of themselves at all times for the sake of themselves and their students. A drowing man cannot save another drowning fellow. Therefore, only in good health are we capable of achieving long term success in our careers.


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  • Alice Snowdon Head Of English Department at King's College School, La Moraleja

    One thing I've found helpful is to not push through illness. Take time to rest, and "teach" yourself to know your limits, especially if you're feeling sick.


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7 Here’s what else to consider

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  • This may not work in all situations (depending on class size and age of students) but one of the things that has made the biggest difference in my teaching is this: Know. Their. Names. ASAP. FYI: - I teach 1st & 2nd year university students - class size generally 18-25 students- I see 8 groups 1x/week- I generally know them by name in class #3In the post-secondary teaching world, I'm a bit of a white elephant. I can't tell you how impressed they are... but more than that, it reinforces relationship early on (which fosters learning). Additionally, when discussion stalls, I can ask students for their input by name (it's harder to 'hide' behind silence.)It's such a simple thing, but has made all the difference in the world for me!


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  • Be Consistent & persistent. I believe that being a teacher, we have many roles -Following things which i believe works for me- 1) You should Count on each day.2) Keep learning. Be a student !3) Practice what you already know, and keep improvising.4) Keep yourself updated. 5) Along with teaching, encourage a student. Motivate them, and along with education, teach them life lessons too.6) Teach student about human morals. And make them realise that at the end of the day, you should be a Good human being.7) Practice self-analysis and accept your weakness to correct them. Nobody knows everything!!8) Most importantly, learn from your students. Be a good listeners. The current generation is smarter than us!


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You're a new teacher. How can you improve your teaching skills? (2024)


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Author: Arielle Torp

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Name: Arielle Torp

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Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.